To ensure food and water storage meets the requirements of all household members:
- Consider specific requirements of family members who belong to at-risk groups while stocking food and water for emergencies. Persons with disabilities, older persons, pregnant women young children or chronically ill persons may need nutrient dense foods, vitamin rich foods and foods that are easy to swallow.
- Note dietary requirements and food allergies of household members on a note in the storage and emergency kit.
- Store infant formular for breastfeeding women in case they are unable to nurse.
- Consider smaller water containers (bottles or jars) that are easier to carry for wheelchair users, older persons or persons with upper body functional limitations.
Storage Tips:
- Keep food in a dry, dark and cool spot at a hight which is accessible for wheelchair users.
- Ensure that the home environment is sufficiently accessible so that persons with disabilities and other household members with functional limitations do not need to dependent on family members or carers to access to food and water supplies.
- Label items for persons who are blind or have low vision using a raised-line marking paint, magnetic can labels or any other convenient means.
- Use adapted water and food storage containers which can be opened by persons with upper body functional limitations.