Policies and practices for disaster risk management should be based on an understanding of disaster risk in all its dimensions of vulnerability, capacity, exposure of persons and assets, hazard characteristics and the environment.
To achieve this, data and information should be disaggregated as much as possible and relevant.
- Disaggregation by sex, age and disability (SAD) is a minimum requirement.
- Collect further data on other drivers that can create disproportionate disaster risk for persons with disabilities where possible and culturally appropriate.
- Adapt questionnaires, needs assessment templates, and data analysis set to enable disaggregation for sex, age and disability.
- Make sure data collection measures are inclusive, such as ensuring wide representation of key informants, inclusive focus group discussion etc.
- For the disaggregation of data on disability, use appropriate and broadly tested methodologies like the Washington Group short set of questions and the UNICEF/Washington Group module on Child Functioning for children below five.
- Disaggregate data on age according to the following intervals: 0-5; 6-12; 13-17; 18-49; 50-59; 60-69; 70-79; and 80+.
- Disseminate data on sex, age and disability in aggregated form to respect data privacy and protect sensitive data.